2,892 research outputs found

    Prisoner's Dilemma cellular automata revisited: evolution of cooperation under environmental pressure

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    We propose an extension of the evolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma cellular automata, introduced by Nowak and May \cite{nm92}, in which the pressure of the environment is taken into account. This is implemented by requiring that individuals need to collect a minimum score UminU_{min}, representing indispensable resources (nutrients, energy, money, etc.) to prosper in this environment. So the agents, instead of evolving just by adopting the behaviour of the most successful neighbour (who got UmsnU^{msn}), also take into account if UmsnU^{msn} is above or below the threshold UminU_{min}. If Umsn<UminU^{msn}<U_{min} an individual has a probability of adopting the opposite behaviour from the one used by its most successful neighbour. This modification allows the evolution of cooperation for payoffs for which defection was the rule (as it happens, for example, when the sucker's payoff is much worse than the punishment for mutual defection). We also analyse a more sophisticated version of this model in which the selective rule is supplemented with a "win-stay, lose-shift" criterion. The cluster structure is analyzed and, for this more complex version we found power-law scaling for a restricted region in the parameter space.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures; added figures and revised tex

    Constraints on the R-parity- and Lepton-Flavor-Violating Couplings from B0 Decats to Two Charged Leptons

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    We derive the upper bounds on certain products of R-parity- and lepton-flavor-violating couplings from the decays of the neutral BB meson into two charged leptons. These modes of B0B^0 decays can constrain the product combinations of the couplings with one or more heavy generation indices. We find that most of these bounds are stronger than the previous ones.Comment: Table is changed; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Weddell Sea iceberg drift: Five years of observations

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    Since 1999, 52 icebergs have been tagged with GPS buoys in the Weddell Seato enable monitoring of their position. The chosen icebergs were of small tomedium size, with a few icebergs larger than 10 km associatedwith the calving of icebergs A38 and A43 from the Ronne Ice Shelf.The majority of icebergs were tagged off Neumayer Station (8E, 70S).It was found that smaller bergs with edges shorter than 200 m had the shortestlife cycle (< 0.5 yr). Iceberg and thus freshwater export out of theWeddell Sea was found to be highly variable. In one year the majority of buoysdeployed remained in the Weddell Sea, constituting about 40 % of the NCEP P-Efreshwater input, whereas in other years all of the tagged icebergs were exported.The observed drifts of icebergs and sea-ice showed a remarkably coherent motion.The analysis of an iceberg - sea-ice buoy array in the western Weddell Seaand an iceberg array in the eastern Weddell Sea showed a coherent sea-iceiceberg drift in sea-ice concentrations above 86 %. Dynamic kinematic parameter(DKP) during the course of coherent movement were low and deviations from the meancourse associated with the passage of low-pressure system. The length scale ofcoherent movement was estimated to be less than 250km; about half the value found forthe Arctic Ocean

    Isospin-mixing corrections for fp-shell Fermi transitions

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    Isospin-mixing corrections for superallowed Fermi transitions in {\it fp}-shell nuclei are computed within the framework of the shell model. The study includes three nuclei that are part of the set of nine accurately measured transitions as well as five cases that are expected to be measured in the future at radioactive-beam facilities. We also include some new calculations for 10^{10}C. With the isospin-mixing corrections applied to the nine accurately measured ftft values, the conserved-vector-current hypothesis and the unitarity condition of the Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix are tested.Comment: 13 pages plus five tables. revtex macro

    Recalculation of QCD Corrections to bsγb \to s \gamma Decay

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    We give a more complete calculation of bsγb \to s\gamma decay, including leading log QCD corrections from mtopm_{top} to MWM_W in addition to corrections from MWM_{W} to mbm_b. We have included the full set of dimension-6 operators and corrected numerical mistakes of anomalous dimensions in a previous paper\cite{Cho}. Comparing with the calculations without QCD running from mtopm_{top} to MWM_W\cite{Mis}, the inclusive decay rate is found to be enhanced. At mt=150m_t=150GeV, it results in 12\% enhancement, and for mt=250m_t=250GeV, 15\% is found. The total QCD effect makes an enhanced factor of 4.2 at mt=150m_t=150GeV, and 3.2 for mt=250m_t=250GeV.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures (uuencoded ps files), Changes of description. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Flavor Symmetries and The Problem of Squark Degeneracy

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    If supersymmetry exists at low energies, it is necessary to understand why the squark spectrum exhibits sufficient degeneracy to suppress flavor changing neutral currents. In this note, we point out that gauged horizontal symmetries can yield realistic quark mass matrices, while at the same time giving just barely enough squark degeneracy to account for neutral KK-meson phenomenology. This approach suggests likely patterns for squark masses, and indicates that there could be significant supersymmetric contributions to BBˉB-\bar{B} and DDˉD-\bar{D} mixing and CP violation in the KK and BB systems.Comment: preprint SCIPP 93/04,SLAC-PUB-6147, 14 pages, 4 tables included; uses macro package TABLES.TEX and phyzzx forma

    bsγb \to s \gamma Decay and Right-handed Top-bottom Charged Current

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    We introduce an anomalous top quark coupling (right-handed current) into Standard Model Lagrangian. Based on this, a more complete calculation of bsγb \to s\gamma decay including leading log QCD corrections from mtopm_{top} to MWM_W in addition to corrections from MWM_{W} to mbm_b is given. The inclusive decay rate is found to be suppressed comparing with the case without QCD running from mtm_t to MWM_W except at the time of small values of fRtb|f_R^{tb}|. e.g. when fRtb=0.08f_R^{tb}=-0.08, it is only 1/101/10 of the value given before. As fRtb|f_R^{tb}| goes smaller, this contribution is an enhancement like standard model case. From the newly experiment of CLEO Collaboration, strict restrictions to parameters of this top-bottom quark coupling are found.Comment: 20 Pages, 2 figures( ps file uuencoded)

    Study of Constrained Minimal Supersymmetry

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    Taking seriously phenomenological indications for supersymmetry, we have made a detailed study of unified minimal SUSY, including effects at the few percent level in a consistent fashion. We report here a general analysis without choosing a particular unification gauge group. We find that the encouraging SUSY unification results of recent years do survive the challenge of a more complete and accurate analysis. Taking into account effects at the 5-10% level leads to several improvements of previous results, and allows us to sharpen our predictions for SUSY in the light of unification. We perform a thorough study of the parameter space. The results form a well-defined basis for comparing the physics potential of different facilities. Very little of the acceptable parameter space has been excluded by LEP or FNAL so far, but a significant fraction can be covered when these accelerators are upgraded. A number of initial applications to the understanding of the SUSY spectrum, detectability of SUSY at LEP II or FNAL, BR(bsγb\to s\gamma), Width(ZbbˉZ\to b\bar b), dark matter, etc, are included in a separate section. We formulate an approach to extracting SUSY parameters from data when superpartners are detected. For small tan(beta) or large mtopm_top both MhalfM_half and M0M_0 are entirely bounded from above at O(1 tev) without having to use a fine-tuning constraint.Comment: Michigan preprint UM-TH-93-24, LaTeX, 60 pages without figures. Complete paper with inline figures available by anonymous ftp to williams.physics.lsa.umich.edu in /pub/preprints/UM-TH-93-24.ps.Z (uncompresses to 10MB / 77 pages), or by e-mailing reques